Principal Consultants 

  • Dr Murray Gough
  • Janet Gough-Watson
    Click Here >

Our Network Members
The following list outlines the attributes of consultants selected by GWBS for their skills in policy analysis and development, professional development and training; their expertise as proven facilitators and/or trainers, and their areas of professional specialisation.

  • Tanya Brass
    Personal and Team Communications, and Mediation  specialist; Communications and Interpersonal Skills Training
  • Brian Franklin
    International & Australian Asset & Construction Project Management specialist; Training Administration Manager; Developer of generic and specific skills training in project management; Director of Brian Franklin and Associates
  • Bruce Glendinning
    Australian Asset & Construction Project Management specialist and Quantity Surveyor; Training Administration Manager; Developer of generic and specific skills training in project management; Director of Tempo Strategies Pty Ltd
  • Lynette Glendinning
    Senior team leadership development programs, executive development and coaching. Corporate strategy, board reviews, organisational renewal, stakeholder management, high level forums; Managing Director of Tempo Strategies Pty Ltd
  • Gavin Halling
    International & Australian Construction Project Management specialist, Arbitrator, and Mediator; Director of Linghal Pty Ltd and RiskTools Pty Ltd
  • Dr Phillip Rutherford
    International Competency Developer and Competency-Based Training Systems expert; PhD in Project Management
  • Robyn Shackleton
    Training Systems Design and Development Specialist
  • Dr David Shackleton
    Defence specialist and facilitator
  • Bob Heginbothom
    Project Management Specialist, Competency-based trainer, and Assessor
  • John Jacobi
    Project Management specialist, Competency-based Trainer and Assessor
  • David Cossart
    Project Management specialist, Competency-based Trainer and Assessor
  • Marguerite Hudson
    Project Management specialist, Competency-based Trainer and Assessor

Associates click here