Principal Consultants at (GWBS) Gough Watson Business Services

Murray Gough
Director/Principal Consultant

BA, Dip Ed, MA, AdvDipPM, DipTEFL, Dip VocEd, DipDesignTrg, DipTrgAssessSystems, Cert BusMgt, Doctorate in OP3M (current), FAIPM, FIML, MACE, MAITD, MIPMA, MPMI, Certified Practising Project Director (CPPD) – A business managemeent cconsultant,  educator, competency based training systems expert and organisational portfolio, program and project management (OP3M) specialist.

Janet Gough-Watson
Principal Consultant

BA (Hons), DipEd, Masters of Public Administration, AdvDipPM, Grad Dip Intercultural Communication, Grad Dip Literacy  – A policy advice expert for public and private sector national and international clients.  

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